Introduction, events and links.
Description and contact information of the libertarian student group in the Brown University.
An umbrella network of young activists who use creative activism to fight an information war against the enemies of justice, substantive equality, freedom, peace and prosperity.
Cato University presents each year a weeklong seminar in the summer and a weekend seminar in the fall. Library of studies, articles and monographs available.
A libertarian institute within Santa Clara University, dedicated to educating students in the classic themes of political economy and their relevance to contemporary policy issues.
Resources for libertarian economic education.
A classical liberal student organization at the University of Oslo, Norway.
Campus group at Hillsdale College. Introduction, articles, weblog and a forum.
A non-partisan collection of students at the University of Virginia who share a strong belief in freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of thought and legal equality for all.
A classical liberal institute the aim of which is to stand at the center of a worldwide network of students, scholars and other intellectuals. Organizes summer university, summer seminar and publishes a journal.
Assists students by offering scholarships, grants, internships, and free summer seminars.
Events and statement of principles.
An independent Belarusian campus group promoting values of liberty, open society and the idea of limited government.
Alumni association of the Institute for Economic Studies. The goal of LINK is the constitution of a network of liberals throughout Europe and beyond.
Editorial ezine writing against youth lifestyle regulation.
A nonpartisan college student organization devoted to the study of libertarianism as a political philosophy. Website offers a mission statement, history, and contact information for those wishing to start a chapter.
A coalition of organizations which embrace or are sympathetic to the principles of classical liberalism/libertarianism. Introduction, links and contact information.
Opposes, in both word and action, those powers which today still work against individual liberty.
Provides a broad overview of the libertarian political model, a political philosophy quiz, and ideology map, aimed specially for the youth. Sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies.
A libertarian campus publication.
Information on summer programs for college students, examining economic systems and moral philosophy.
Promotes classical liberalism and provides serious students opportunities to develop their academic skills at Belmont University.
The aim of the society is to defend and promote classical liberalism and free market economics, while encouraging the free-flow of ideas.
London-based libertarian group for people in their 20s. Meets monthly for a reception with a guest speaker.
Promotes classical liberalism and free market economics on the campus of the Scottish university.