The Root Cause of Every Issue
The X account of one Rupert Lowe MP (@RupertLowe10) comments on the ills of immigration. He refers to his homeland of the United Kingdom. (emphasis added)
I look at what uncontrolled mass immigration has done to our country, and I just get so very depressed.
It’s THE root cause of almost every issue.
Put simply, there are far too many low-skilled migrants who take FAR more than they give.
That’s an awkward, but undeniable fact.
Mr. Lowe makes a great point about immigration being problematic. Massive migration changes the character of a place. The things one likes about America are unlikely to exist there if one replaces the people there with let’s say, the people of rural Uganda or the people of downtown Beijing.
Immigration Has Led To Some Vile Things In America
Borderless immigration is not a tool of freedom. It is a weapon the globalist and Marxist alike can use to destroy communities, families, lives, cultures, languages, and countries in ways that make a local population easier to control.
Immigration has come to be used as a tool to bring death and destruction upon a place. All but the most savvy political observers 1.) do not see that, 2.) refuse to see that, 3,) and/or refuse to comment on that detail. I entirely appreciate that Mr. Lowe places a high level of importance on stopping immigration as we are presently seeing it take place.
He also, however, retains the air of a central planner — one who knows the exact right numbers to use, one who thinks there is probably some perfect number that will make societal ills go away. And if we tweak that number just enough, everything will work out.
Who could possibly disagree with his suggestion that there is a moderate path that will lead to wiser immigration policy?
I do.
It is hardly about immigration. It is about artificially created incentives to immigration. It is about getting the right incentive to remove a person (a would-be immigrant) from the place he is needed and wanted and transplanting him to a different place where he is not needed and not wanted and to do so with massive incentives meant to distort reality for all people involved.
Seldom talked about, great ill is created for immigrants in the process of immigration. This detail is often overlooked. Seldom is the first generation anything but a massive loss for the immigrant family. The tremendous downside to leaving one’s homeland and heading west is seldom considered rationally in our era of relatively easy global travel.
Despite all this, there are far more important fundamental concerns that need addressing when speaking about societal ills.
There at two great ills that have most terrorized Western culture and America. When they are ignored you are dealing with cowardice or lack of understanding. Neither are desirable in a trusted figure. I would caution against aligning yourself closely with anyone who does not speak often and openly of these two ills.
Central Banking Impoverishes A Land — Both Spiritually and Materially
Guido Hulsmann in his book The Ethics of Money Production paints a picture of the vast moral harm caused to a society that welcomes a state-sanctioned monopoly on money creation. This include
Article from LewRockwell is a libertarian website that publishes articles, essays, and blog posts advocating for minimal government, free markets, and individual liberty. The site was founded by Lew Rockwell, an American libertarian political commentator, activist, and former congressional staffer. The website often features content that is critical of mainstream politics, state intervention, and foreign policy, among other topics. It is a platform frequently used to disseminate Austrian economics, a school of economic thought that is popular among some libertarians.