Three Cheers For Rep.Tom Massie!
Told you so!
Donald Trump doesn’t give two hoots about the true agenda that might actually make America freer and more prosperous again. We are referring to the principles of—-
- peaceful commerce with every nation, entangling alliances with none.
- minimalist, solvent, constitutional government at home.
- sound money and market-driven interest rates and asset prices.
- maximum scope for personal liberty and free markets.
- decentralized, Federalist arrangements for any necessary functions of the state.
Now, if there is one politicians in all of the Washington Swamp besides Senator Rand Paul who stands four-square for these essential principles, it is Congressman Thomas Massie, also of Kentucky. In fact, Tom Massie is so steadfast, learned and consistent on these matters as to be the very living embodiment of libertarian principles on the great stage of national politics.
And yet, and yet. In the face of what is a hugely debatable issue with respect to the latest continuing resolution (CR) tabled by Speaker Johnson, which is another total capitulation to Washington spending as usual, the Donald has now unleashed a vicious, bully-boy attack on Rep. Massie.
But for crying out loud, Donald, Congressman Massie has actually read every line of this 110 page abomination and knows that it provides spending authority of $1.658 trillion, which is 47% more than Big Spender Obama’s last budget. It will virtually cancel every dime DOGE has allegedly saved.
And, besides, enough with the clownish ALL CAPS sloganeering already. Instead, how about you give Rep. Massie the apology he deserves.
Thank you to the House Freedom Caucus for just delivering a big blow to the Radical Left Democrats and their desire to raise Taxes and SHUT OUR COUNTRY DOWN! They hate America and all it stands for. That’s why they allowed MILLIONS of Criminals to invade our Nation. Sometimes it takes great courage to do the right thing. Congressman Thomas Massie, of beautiful Kentucky, is an automatic “NO” vote on just about everything, despite the fact that he has always voted for Continuing Resolutions in the past. HE SHOULD BE PRIMARIED, and I will lead the charge against him. He’s just another GRANDSTANDER, who’s too much trouble, and not worth the fight. He reminds me of Liz Chaney before her historic, record breaking fall (loss!). The people of Kentucky won’t stand for it, just watch. DO I HAVE ANY TAKERS??? Anyway, thank you again to the House Freedom Caucus for your very important vote. We need to buy some time in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE. Unite and Win!!!
Based on the above rant, however, we are not sure what they put in the Donald’s orange juice this morning because it appears he was just getting cranked up when he took off after Rep. Massie. Since then he’s come out swinging against Canada, and ordered his Secy of Commerce to raise the tariff on steel and aluminum to 50% in response to a threat from the equally loud-mouthed premier of Ontario that Canada might tax electricity exports to the US.
Needless to say, the social media rant below conveying this intention was surely posted by the Donald himself. It is full of the ALL CAPS hyperbole, factual exaggerations and outright nonsense that are the trademark evidence of unfiltered conveyance straight from the Donald’s brain to the worldwide web.
The one good thing you can say here is that there is no staff intermediation, scripting or spinning in the bluster, blather and bile posted below. Indeed, after four long years of anonymous staff ventriloquists talking through Teleprompter Joe, it’s actually refreshing to know that what you get from the Donald is pure Trump-thought.
Unfortunately, what we also have is a classic case of Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates:
You never know what you are going to get!
And not just the good stuff like his order to stop the insanity in Ukraine or wondering out loud whether he could convene a summit with Putin and Xi aimed
Article from LewRockwell is a libertarian website that publishes articles, essays, and blog posts advocating for minimal government, free markets, and individual liberty. The site was founded by Lew Rockwell, an American libertarian political commentator, activist, and former congressional staffer. The website often features content that is critical of mainstream politics, state intervention, and foreign policy, among other topics. It is a platform frequently used to disseminate Austrian economics, a school of economic thought that is popular among some libertarians.