Geopolitical Shockwaves of Russia’s Victory in Ukraine
International Man: After spending over $350 billion—half of which is reportedly unaccounted for—the US government is finally pulling the plug on supporting the Ukraine in its war with Russia.
What do you make of this?
Doug Casey: It was criminally insane for the US to involve itself in a border war between two countries on the other side of the world. Not many Americans know that “Ukraine,” which was previously always known as “the Ukraine,” means borderland. It was just a region, like Kurdistan, with undefined shifting borders until Lenin created it in 1921.
Why, you might ask, would the West take a chance on starting World War III over the most corrupt country in Europe?
Several reasons. For one, Ukraine has been a highly effective laundromat. Gigantic amounts of American tax dollars disappeared into a black hole to re-emerge in the pockets of NGOs, masquerading as aid. For another, connected scumbags like the Bidens got fat. Scores of billions were redistributed to weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and God knows who else. And, of course, a large coterie of Neocons in DC have made careers out of trying to destroy Russia at any cost.
I only hope that as Trump digs into where all the money has gone, it will result in massive clawbacks and long jail terms for lots of people, both in the US and Europe.
International Man: As the post below makes clear, President Trump is displeased with Zelensky. Without US backing, Zelensky’s days in power in Kiev seem to be numbered.
What are your thoughts on Zelensky’s future and that of Ukraine?
Doug Casey: How Zelensky, a second-rate nobody actor in a poor country, became immensely wealthy is a tale that should be widely disseminated. Years ago, the Panama Papers showed that Zelensky was already worth about $300 million and had two ultra-expensive houses in southern Florida. But to this day, nobody’s looked into the provenance of that fortune. I’m sure it’s grown to billions in the intervening years.
Here’s a rule of thumb: Dictators who are responsible for wholesale destruction, millions of casualties, and massive looting should wind up like Mussolini, who was hung by his heels from a lamppost.
If Zelensky were smart, he’d hightail to a country without extradition. Israel might work, although they declined to shelter Meyer Lansky, who also had Law of Return rights.
At a minimum, he should be indicted for criminally bad taste, prancing around in his faux military olive-green T-shirts and cargo pants for the last three years. Although he went to a nicely laundered black long-sleeve pullover for his formal meeting, last week.
It was hilarious watching Trump treat him with the respect he deserved in the White House before kicking him out (link).
International Man: What are the broader geopolitical consequences of a Russian victory in Ukraine?
How might this impact NATO, the EU, and Europe as a whole?
Doug Casey: Despite Putin having said that he misses the old Soviet Union’s borders, the chances of Russia attempting to conquer Europe are zero. I
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