DOGE, The Epstein List, and World War III
I have criticized Donald Trump countless times for his pattern of promising, bloviating, then backing off. Or more often flip flopping. I coined the term the Trumpenstein Project to explain his befuddling behavior. He talked the talk, but never walked the walk. All toupee and no cattle. Well, now he can’t stop walking.
Trump 2.0 has unleashed a series of often fine looking executive orders in his first month back in office. Super model executive orders. He abolished birth right citizenship. He withdrew the U.S. from the WHO. He rolled back any recognition of the transgender lunacy. He declared an emergency at the southern border. He reaffirmed a commitment to free speech and against censorship, for what that’s worth. He is ending the annoying Daylight Savings Time. And now he’s establishing English as the official language of the United States. Now, they all sound really good, but how much will actually change? Already a federal judge has predictably ruled that the ban on birth right citizenship is unconstitutional. That’s what federal judges do under the odious guise of Judicial Review. In thirty days, really on his first day back in office, Trump did more than he did in his previous four years in the White House.
A few days ago, Trump staged (and it was definitely staged) the most remarkable meeting with a foreign leader that Washington, D.C. has ever seen. From the moment he greeted vertically challenged Ukrainian “democratic” leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy with a Trumpian troll at his casual attire, mocking him with “I see you got dressed up,” it was pure WWE theater. Zelenskyy has shown he is willing to wear a suit and tie, if the occasion calls for it. For instance, when he meets with Israeli “democratic” leader Bibi Netanyahu. During the meeting, which was aired live before the press, Trump and J.D. Vance both scolded the pathetic former Ukrainian comedian like he was a naughty schoolboy, not an upstanding world leader who once wowed audiences by playing the piano with his penis. Zelenskyy’s Boris Badenov impression just didn’t intimidate anyone, and Trump supposedly wound up throwing him out of the place.
Yes, Trump made certain to have his hands formed into the familiar triangle, as he met with the upstanding “democratic” leader of Ukraine. Just as Elon Musk made certain to flash similarly unnatural hand and finger formations, during his recent visit to the Oval Office, where one of his estimated one billion children wiped a booger on Trump’s desk or something. To be fair, I recall someone advising me, back in the misty days of America 1.0, that I should form my hands into a triangle when being interviewed. Something about how it displayed confidence and power. I don’t know, it didn’t work for me. I don’t see how you can feign power when the other party knows you don’t have it. All those weird things the rich and famous do with their hands obviously must be significant. They appear to be swearing allegiance to someone or something. Like wearing your guy’s letterman’s jacket. Or a blue collar name tag.
It would have been great to have video of Trump picking up the arrogant “democratic” leader with the Napoleon Complex, and tossing him onto
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