The Retention of Wealth
For most people, the term “investment” means the purchase of something for its anticipated rise in value in the future. However, there is another category of investment, generally referred to as “retention of wealth,” that does not adhere to this definition. Although investments in this category may well rise in value over time, their principle purpose is not profit. Their purpose is to assure that if other investments fail, the investor will still have a portion of his wealth to fall back on.
Generally, during good economic times, investors are inclined to be somewhat uninterested in this category. However, when bad economic times are on the horizon, retention of wealth becomes (or should become) far more significant in importance.
The world has never seen a time like the present one. In most every facet of the economy, personal wealth is threatened. In many countries, there is the threat of greater taxation, devaluation of currencies, collapses in markets, and even outright confiscation of bank accounts.
Consequently, if the powers-that-be exert their power to (quite literally) rob their citizens, those citizens need to determine the safest havens for their wealth that they possibly can… and need to do so before the wolf arrives at the door.
Those of us who have been predicting the coming economic debacle for many years have, not surprisingly, spent much of that time researching and identifying such opportunities and divesting ourselves of investments whose days may well be numbered.
Basic Truth #1: Precious metals and real estate will become the last safe investments for the retention of wealth.
At some point in the Great Unravelling, we will reach the point when virtually the only “safe” investments will be precious metals and real estate. (It should be s
Article from LewRockwell is a libertarian website that publishes articles, essays, and blog posts advocating for minimal government, free markets, and individual liberty. The site was founded by Lew Rockwell, an American libertarian political commentator, activist, and former congressional staffer. The website often features content that is critical of mainstream politics, state intervention, and foreign policy, among other topics. It is a platform frequently used to disseminate Austrian economics, a school of economic thought that is popular among some libertarians.