Who Wrote Shakespeare’s Plays?
My 10th grade English class had devoted a semester to the works of William Shakespeare, and that seemed appropriate given his place in our language and our culture.
During those months, I’d read about a dozen or so of his plays and had been required to memorize one of the most famous soliloquies in Macbeth. Even today, decades later, I discovered that I could still recite it by heart, a fact that greatly surprised me.
By common agreement, Shakespeare ranks as the towering, even formative figure of our globally-dominant English language, probably holding a position roughly comparable to that of Cervantes for Spanish and perhaps Goethe and Schiller for German. Many of the widespread phrases found in today’s English trace back to his plays, and in glancing at Shakespeare’s 12,000 word Wikipedia article, I noticed that the introduction described him as history’s foremost playwright, a claim that seemed very reasonable to me.
Although I’d never studied his works after high school, over the years I’d seen a number of the film versions of his famous dramas, as well as some of the Royal Shakespeare Company performances on PBS, and generally thought those were excellent. But although my knowledge of Shakespeare was meager, I never doubted his literary greatness.
During all those years I remained only dimly aware of the details of Shakespeare’s life, which were actually rather scanty. I did know that he’d been born and died in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avon, which I’d once visited during the year I studied at Cambridge University.
I’d also vaguely known that Shakespeare had written a large number of sonnets, and a year or two after my day trip to his birthplace, there was a long article in the New York Times that a new one had been found. Shakespeare’s stature was so great that the discovery of a single new poem warranted a 5,000 word article in our national newspaper of record.
I’m not sure when I’d first heard that there was any sort of dispute regarding Shakespeare’s personal history or his authorship of that great body of work, but I think it might have been many years later during the 1990s. Some right-wing writer for National Review had gotten himself into hot water for his antisemitic and racist remarks and was fired from that magazine. A few years later my newspapers mentioned that the same fellow had just published a book claiming that Shakespeare’s plays had actually been secretly written by someone else, a British aristocrat whose name meant nothing to me.
That story didn’t much surprise me. Individuals on the political fringe who had odd and peculiar ideas on one topic might be expected to be eccentric in others as well. Perhaps getting fired from his political publication might have tipped him over the edge, leading him to promote such a bizarre and conspiratorial literary theory about so prominent a historical figure. The handful of reviews in my newspapers and conservative magazines treated his silly book with the total disdain that it clearly warranted.
I think about a decade later I’d seen something in my newspapers about that same Shakespeare controversy, which had boiled up again in some other research, but the Times didn’t seem to take it too seriously, so neither did I.
A few years later, Hollywood released a 2011 film called Anonymous making that same case about Shakespeare’s true identity, but I never saw it and didn’t pay much attention. The notion that the greatest figure in English literature had secretly been someone else struck me as typical Hollywood fare, pretty unlikely but probably less so than the plots and secret identities found in the popular Batman and Spiderman movies.
By then I’d grown very suspicious of many elements of the American political history that I’d been taught, and a couple of years after that film was released, I published “Our American Pravda,” outlining some of my tremendous loss of faith in the information provided in our media and textbooks, then later launched a long series of a similar name.
But both at that time and for the dozen years that followed, I’d never connected my growing distrust of so much of what I’d learned in my introductory history courses with what my introductory English courses had taught me during those same schooldays. Therefore, the notion that Shakespeare hadn’t really been the author of Shakespeare’s plays seemed totally preposterous to me, so much so that I’d even half-forgotten that anyone had ever seriously made that claim.
However, last year a young right-wing activist and podcaster dropped me a note about various things and he also suggested that I consider expanding my series of “conspiratorial” investigations to include the true authorship of the Shakespeare plays. He mentioned that the late Joseph Sobran had been a friend of his own family, explaining how that once very influential conservative journalist had been purged from National Review in the early 1990s and then published a book arguing that the famous plays had actually been written by the Earl of Oxford, while various other scholars had taken s
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