Immigrants Are a Boon to the U.S. Economy
President Donald Trump is deporting immigrants—11,000 last month.
Some people are unhappy about that.
Last week a judge ordered a stop to Trump’s removal of Venezuelan nationals. (Deportation happened anyway.)
I definitely want immigrant criminals deported.
Trump says migrant crime is “happening at levels that nobody thought possible!”
But that’s not true.
Researching my new video, I learned that immigrants are actually less likely to get into trouble than native-born Americans.
Texas, the only state that tracks immigrant crime, compares convictions per 100,000 Americans. Score: illegal immigrants, 782; legal immigrants, 535; native-born Americans, 1,422. It’s the opposite of what most of us have heard.
But even if immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, there are other reasons to object to immigration:
1) Immigrants take jobs away from Americans.
2) They freeload off our welfare system.
3) They threaten our culture.
I’ll take them point by point.
Tucker Carlson complains, “These new rivals compete primarily with the very Americans most likely to have lost their jobs.”
He’s right. Migrants take jobs from some Americans, and some Americans are out of work. But unemployment is relatively low: 4.1 percent. It was 8.8 percent when
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