Journal of Free Speech Law: “The Press Clause: Important, Remembered, and Equally Shared,” by Eugene Volokh
This article, which responds to Floyd Abrams, Sandra Baron, Lee Levine, Jacob M. Schriner-Briggs & Isaac Barnes May’s The Press Clause: The Forgotten First Amendment (and, in part, to Matthew Schafer’s “The Press Clause”: A Response to Professor Volokh), is here. The Introduction:
The Press Clause: The Forgotten First Amendment, a Report from the Floyd Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression, is a powerful argument for a broader understanding of the Free Press Clause. Much of its analysis will, I expect, prove important and useful to judges, lawyers, legal academics, and citizens. But one of its core premises—that the Free Press Clause should be read as conferring extra rights on the institutional press, beyond those possessed by others who speak to the public—strikes me as mistaken.
The Court’s current precedents take the view that the First Amendment secures an equal right of everyone to use mass communications tech
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