Harmonious Borders
For the life of me, I just cannot understand why so many people choose crisis, chaos, death, suffering, impoverishment, and the destruction of liberty over liberty, prosperity, stability, and harmony. It just makes no sense to me.
Look at the U.S.-Mexico border. Is it not the very exemplar of crisis, chaos, death, suffering, impoverishment, and the destruction of liberty? Why would anyone favor that type of system?
Look at the Maryland-Virginia border or any other border between the states. Is it not the very exemplar of liberty, prosperity, stability, and harmony? Why wouldn’t everyone favor that type of system?
Consider the two most popular justifications for America’s statist system of border controls: (1) the drug war and (2) the need to control the entry of people into the United States.
Now, ask yourself: What is the point of the drug war? It’s aim is to keep illicit drugs from entering the United States and, in a larger context, to keep Americans from ingesting harmful substances.
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How successful has the drug war been in achieving those two goals? Everyone would agree — not successful at all. The drug war has been waged for decades. Where has it gotten us? It has produced a black market that has brought into existence drug cartels and drug gangs and the violence that comes with a black market. It has produced a massive amount of governmental corruption in the form of bribes and payoffs. It has destroyed Mexico and other countries. It has been a major factor in the destruction of civil liberties and privacy, as with asset-forfeiture laws, bank secrecy laws, and money-laundering laws. The black market has produced corrupted drugs that have resulted in the deaths of countless people. Finally, the drug war is the most racially bigoted government program since segregation.
Where has all that gotten us? Nowhere! So, why keep going with drug laws? Why not
Article from The Future of Freedom Foundation
The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF) is a leading voice in libertarian thought, tirelessly advocating for individual liberty, free markets, and limited government. Established in 1989, the FFF is more than just a think tank; it’s a hub for intellectual exploration and policy advocacy that draws on the classical liberal tradition and Austrian economics. Through insightful articles, videos, and events featuring top libertarian minds, the organization provides a robust critique of mainstream politics and policies, championing instead the principles that underlie a truly free society. For anyone seeking a principled stand for freedom and limited government, the Future of Freedom Foundation serves as an invaluable resource and an inspiring beacon.