A Golden Opportunity: Leave NATO Now
The President has the authority to withdraw from a treaty on behalf of the United States, and President Trump should immediately withdraw the U.S. from NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s performance at a photo op in the Oval Office last week affords the U.S. a golden opportunity to walk away from a European war that serves no American interests, but the opportunity is even greater than that. We are witnessing the rise of populist movements in the U.S. and across Europe that reject the post-WWII neoliberal globalist establishment (hereafter “Establishment”), and President Trump could strike a resounding blow against that Establishment by leaving NATO, which hosts the Establishment’s transatlantic military-industrial complex. Neocons’ and Euroglobalists’ visceral reaction to President Trump’s unwillingness to satisfy Zelensky’s demands for weapons and cash underscores that they see a threat to the power structure that has employed and enriched so many of them and to the ideology of neoliberal “democracy” they have used to manufacture support for the U.S.-European Establishment. Donald Trump can deliver a gutpunch to the adversaries of peace, freedom, and American independence by leading the U.S. out of NATO and to the founders’ foreign policy of serving American interests by staying resolutely out of European political intrigues and recurring bloody wars.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, precipitated by the inability of the Soviet bloc’s command economies to perform (demonstrating in history Mises’ proof that socialist economic calculation is impossible), NATO’s raison d’etre evaporated. No longer able to rely on the idea that Soviet tanks might come roaring through the Fulda Gap in Germany, NATO stepped into the void left by the Warsaw Pact’s demise by adding a dozen former communist states and former Soviet Republics into NATO to further weaken the USSR’s remnant of Russia and to advance the ideology of neoliberal “democracy.” The former communist states sought NATO membership for obvious security reasons, and NATO expansion ramped up during George W. Bush’s administration, with seven East European members added in 2004. Bush II and the neocons saw NATO as a vehicle to project power globally, so not only did they grow NATO to the east, but they also invoked NATO’s Article V to make their war in Afghanistan a NATO operation. As a result, the the Afghan War was NATO’s largest operation to date, replete with United Nations Security Council Resolutions to confer a globalist imprimatur on what became a twenty-year war.
Fueling war is
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