Finding ‘News’-Truth via Conflicting Propagandsties
A propagandisty isn’t merely a propagandist, but an entire system or regime of them — both a Government and its media and ‘non-profit’ stooges — that mixes facts with fictions in such a way as to advance the agendas of the few individuals who actually (by means of their extreme wealth) control (hire and fire) that regime and all of its stooges.
There are conflicting propagandisties, because there are conflicting regimes. The public are presented with conflicting sets of lies, because there are conflicting nations. Not everyone believes the same set of lies; different sets of lies exist.
For example, until recently, the regime in Ukraine, which had been installed by the U.S. regime in February 2014 by America’s coup replacing the democratically elected Ukrainian Government and thus starting the war in Ukraine, between the areas that had voted heavily for the then-overthrown President versus the areas that had voted heavily against him — both the U.S.-installed Ukrainian regime, and the U.S. regime that had installed it — were part of only ONE propagandisty: which was the U.S. regime. Ukraine during 2014-2024 was a U.S. colony. But now, after the clash on 28 February 2025 between the U.S. regime and the Ukrainian regime, Zelensky versus Trump at the White House, these have suddenly become TWO propagandisties; and here is how both regimes are now reporting on this split between them:
First of all, we need to understand how this split happened to occur. Here is the video, from Fox News in Minneapolis, dated February 28th, showing the complete and historic 50-minute February 28th joint press conference by Zelensky and Trump, so that you can actually SEE AND HEAR it happening:
“Trump-Zelenskyy meeting filled with tense moments [FULL MEETING]”
If you will view 23:10 there, you will see that thus far into the event, Trump and Zelensky were getting along very well together; and, at that point, Trump pats Zelensky on the back. Then, at 23:50, Trump interjected “He [Putin] never broke [his word] to me,” after Zelensky had alleged that Putin constantly lies. This was Trump’s first sign of disagreement with Zelensky. Zelensky continued up till 26:40 a rabid and undocumented condemnation (allegations ONLY — NO evidences [though he pulled out some photos and showed them to Trump, but what they really were photos of could have been fakes]) against Putin, and then a reporter simply interrupted with a question and then lots of other reporters also simultaneously shouted with their questions, and Trump didn’t enforce any order, and so things from then on were chaotic, until Zelensky at 26:50 broke in to continue his anti-Putin diatribe until 27:25, when another reporter shouted out a question and Trump pointed to him, signaling that he wanted to hear his question, and so Zelensky stopped, and Trump answered the question. Trump then continued taking and answering questions. At 35:45, V.P. J.D. Vance briefly answered a question, but otherwise it was only Trump who was taking and answering questions. Finally a questioner, from Poland, asked Trump why he “aligns” himself with Putin, and Trump answered
Well, if I didn’t align myself with both of them [Zelensky and Putin] you’d never have a deal. You
want me to say, uh, really terrible things about Putin, and then say hi, Vladimir, how
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