Congresswoman Luna’s Statements about the JFK Autopsy Demonstrate the Power of Truth
Statements made by Rep. Anna Luna regarding the JFK assassination are a testament to the power of truth to ultimately surface, even within a vast sea of official lies and false official narratives.
Luna is the head of a new congressional task force charged with exposing “federal secrets.” Among those secrets are those that the U.S. national-security establishment has been fiercely guarding ever since the assassination.
As longtime supporters of FFF know, I have long contended that the autopsy that the military conducted on President Kennedy’s body on the very evening of the assassination establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the assassination was a highly sophisticated regime-change operation orchestrated and carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment — specifically, the Pentagon and the CIA.
How does that autopsy establish criminal culpability on the part of the military? As I detail in my book The Kennedy Autopsy, it was a fraudulent autopsy. There is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. A fraudulent autopsy necessarily equates to a cover-up. The only entity for which the military would be covering up on the same day of the assassination would be itself. That’s how we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the U.S. national-security establishment orchestrated and carried out the assassination.
When we focus on the autopsy, we are not dealing with conspiracy theories. We are simply dealing with the facts surrounding the autopsy. Once one concludes that the autopsy was fraudulent, that’s it — case closed. There is but one conclusion that can be drawn from a fraudulent autopsy — a finding of guilt on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment.
Needless to say, I wasn’t the first person who pointed to a fraudulent autopsy in the Kennedy assassination. In fact, The Kennedy Autopsy is an easy-to-read synopsis of Douglas Horne’s masterful book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, a five-volume book that establishes the details surrounding the fraud in the autopsy. Horne served on the staff of the ARRB in the 1990s.
Horne is not the only one who has talked and written about anomalies in the autopsy over the years. So have many other reputable and credible assassination researchers, including physicians. David Mantik, Gary Aguilar, and Cyril Wecht come to mind. There are many more.
How does this relate to Luna? In her statements regarding the Kennedy assassination, she makes reference to the Kennedy autopsy. For example, she stated, “I think that even the FBI at the time reported some anomalies in the initial autopsy at Bethesda, Maryland.” An article at the website of Florida international University
Article from The Future of Freedom Foundation
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