How You Know the Tide Is Turning
From the Tom Woods Letter:
My dear friend, I am sure you know the name Bill Kristol: he’s spent decades on all the cable news shows, he was the editor of the Weekly Standard before it folded, and he co-founded the neocon Project for a New American Century.
His predictions are always bad; he’s like the political version of Jim Cramer.
And he never saw a war he didn’t love.
Well, things have started to unravel for poor Bill over the past eight to ten years, to the point that he barely knows what hit him.
He no doubt expected to live out his life as a TV commentator respected in D.C. circles (but with no real connection to actual Americans), an important influencer within the conservative movement, and a distinguished guest at the fashionable parties.
That is over now.
One of the major blows against Kristol occurred several years ago, when he made the unwise decision to participate in a public debate against our own Scott Horton on the wisdom of “regime change” in U.S. foreign policy.
Kristol had his head handed to him. You can find it on YouTube.
He is not used to dealing with people who fundamentally disagree with him. The cable news shows pitted him against people whose outlook was ten percent different from his own. Rarely if ever had Kristol come across someone who opposed the empire root and branch.
It was one illustration of a general principle: the regime and its lackeys are unimpressive people, and survive and prosper only inside a bubble.
As nonintervention, or at least a more restrained foreign policy,
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