The Truth That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The re-inauguration of Donald Trump as president of the United States—and his dismissal of Justin Trudeau as Canadian Prime Minister the week before; the apparent slow but certain push in Austria, Germany, and France by parties which the European establishment dubs “Far Right” (and darkly hints are Neo-Nazi, although their own views on the Man and the State are far closer to National Socialism than are those of their “upstart” opponents); and Britain’s vile Sir Keir Starmer’s floundering attempts to label opponents of child rape as racists all point to what appears a given direction: the breaking of the Left.
Far be it from me to rain on anyone’s parade; if you are ecstatic over these developments and smell some kind of success for the forces of good, may all your hopes come true. I myself am very glad that Kamala Harris is not president, that Justin Trudeau resigned, that change seems to be coming on the Continent, and that Sir Keir is increasingly being seen by his countrymen for what he and his minions are. But I would be lying if I told you I believe we are “nigh the Kingdom Comin’ and the Year of Jubilo.”
This new year of 2025 will mark, in December, the centennial of Pope Pius XI’s extraordinary encyclical Quas Primas. Written at a time when the great “isms” of the 19th and 20th centuries were well-nigh triumphant over the remnants of old Christendom and those who had fought for her, it was a proud battle cry. In the face of a world dominated by varying ideologies who shared, amid their antipathies, mutual hatred of God and His Church, Pius dared to declare that
…the empire of our Redeemer embraces all men. To use the words of Our immortal predecessor, Pope Leo XIII: “His empire includes not only Catholic nations, not only baptized persons who, though of right belonging to the Church, have been led astray by error, or have been cut off from her by schism, but also all those who are outside the Christian faith; so that truly the whole of mankind is subject to the power of Jesus Christ.” Nor is there any difference in this matter between the individual and the family or the State; for all men, whether collectively or individually, are under the dominion of Christ. In him is
Article from LewRockwell is a libertarian website that publishes articles, essays, and blog posts advocating for minimal government, free markets, and individual liberty. The site was founded by Lew Rockwell, an American libertarian political commentator, activist, and former congressional staffer. The website often features content that is critical of mainstream politics, state intervention, and foreign policy, among other topics. It is a platform frequently used to disseminate Austrian economics, a school of economic thought that is popular among some libertarians.