Renowned Jewish Rabbi Says Trump Is Anointed As God’s Non-Jewish Messiah To Serve Israel
His name is Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg. He writes and lectures widely on Biblical prophecies and Jewish Eschatology. He lives in Toronto, Canada. He is an author, lecturer and columnist at He unabashedly proclaims that Donald Trump is anointed as God’s non-Jewish Messiah to serve Israel.
Before I delve further into the rabbi’s blasphemies, I want to remind readers of the encomiums that were heaped upon Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance by the members of the Jewish Tzedek Association in New York last February.
The bottom line is that Zionists worldwide are in absolute euphoria over the prospect of having Trump and Vance in the White House. This means they foresee more Israeli wars and conquests, more death and destruction, more murder and genocide of the Palestinian people, war with Lebanon, war with Iran, war with Syria and the beginning of the fruition of “Greater Israel” under a Trump administration.
Now, hear it from Rabbi Weisberg.
Like the first non-Jewish messiah, Cyrus, who was chosen to assist the Jews in reestablishing themselves in the land of Israel, after the 70-year exile in Babylon, the current non-Jewish messiah was chosen to be of service to the Jewish people and the Jewish messiah.
President Trump’s right ear was grazed in a symbolic gesture of Exodus 21:6, where the Torah states that a servant who wants to remain with his master needs to have his right ear pierced.
Trump was designated as God’s servant and anointed one, just like Cyrus the Great almost 2,400 years ago.
We have clarified in several videos that the absolute deadline for the redemption is by the end of the Jewish year 5,787, which corresponds to October 2, 2027. Thus, the redemption will surely occur during Donald Trump’s tenure.
And I have good reason to believe Donald Trump was chosen to be the one to redeem the sins of Azof through offering his assistance in rebuilding the holy temple on the Temple Mount and establishing the Jewish kingdom over all of mankind in Jerusalem. [Emphasis added]
Perhaps it is no accident that the numeric value [gematria] of Donald Trump in Hebrew is the same as Messiah Son of David: 424.
I invite readers to watch my Prophecy Message entitled The Beast, The Mark And The Number Of His Name from Revelation 13 in which I show whom John was identifying as the “beast” by his gematria: 666. Back to the rabbi:
However, Donald Trump is mistaken if he thinks he was chosen to make America great again. He will no doubt do a lot of good things to strengthen our economy, protect our borders and allow religious freedom to flourish. But America will never become a great country on its own, because Azof’s days are numbered.
The greatness of America does not lie in its own success. America will be great when the messiah comes. And the leader of this country, on behalf of all the good people in this country, will humbly present himself to the Jewish messiah and ask him to accept the United States of America into a new alliance of countries who accept the leadership of the messiah. [Emphasis added]
A new United Nations will replace the current cesspool that goes by that fraudulent name. A real United Nations, united to serve God, led by the messiah and based in Jerusalem. And my feeling is that the United States under President Trump will be the first nation to join.
I urge readers to watch the message I delivered explaining what the rabbi means in the above paragraph. Again, to the rabbi:
The meaning of the MAGA movement needs to be adjusted. America was a great idea, but it was never realized. During the Six-Day War, America sent a spy ship, the USS Liberty, to the Mediterranean to relay vital military informatio
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