How do Libertarians or atleast the ideology of Libertarianism deal with this narrative?
So for a year or two I have been kind of looking over the Conservative Capitalism vs Left Wing Socialism debates going around in the US even though I don’t live in the US. I have noticed a small narrative going around that kind of goes like “boomers enjoyed sex drugs and rock and roll but ended up destroying the environment and ruining the economy, leaving the young people to fix all their mess”. I heard this narrative come from the left wing side of things and older right wingers often try to counter this by claiming young people are just lazy and they don’t want to work. This narrative is also sometimes noticed in culture wars between conservatives and liberals. But I was curious as to how the people who identify politically as libertarians see this narrative and what do they think of it? (English is not my first language so I apologize if this was hard to read) submitted by /u/AppleJuice71 [link] [comments]
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